A key component of therapeutic healing is the connection between therapist and client. This may even be more important than the actual psychological modality of the therapy. Often referred to as the “working alliance” and consisting of unconditional positive regard and genuine acceptance, finding the right therapist is a personal decision. It is important to work with one that fits your personality and objectives.
The therapeutic process begins with an introductory phone call to get an idea of the goals of the client. This helps to ensure the therapist and client are a suitable match. Once a proper fit is established, a psychological intake is conducted to get a better understanding of the client’s background, health, and family.
Addictions, anger management, anxiety disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, chemical dependency, depression, geropsychology, LGBT issues, mens issues, military issues, mood disorders, parenting, panic disorders, post traumatic stress disorder, relationship issues, school issues, substance abuse all within a multicultural perspective.